Friday, June 8, 2007

US regulator tried to smear scientist in fight for Glaxo drug

Andrew Clark in New York
Thursday June 7, 2007
The Guardian

The head of the US food and drug administration has admitted his staff attempted to smear a scientist who raised doubts about Avandia - the GlaxoSmithKline diabetes drug that has been linked with a high incidence of heart attacks.
Senior executives from the FDA and Glaxo faced a gruelling morning of questioning by members of Congress at a hearing convened by the House oversight committee in Washington yesterday.

Members of the committee attacked "negligence" and systemic failures in a lack of warnings to patients about the risks of Avandia, which generated £1.4bn in revenue for Glaxo last year.

Dr. Greens comment: So the next time you see something is or isn't FDA approved, don't be too impressed. They are not unbiased.

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